Michael James Cisarik

Like My Odyssey, 2024
Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
48 x 48 x 1.50 in
Contact For Pricing

Intentionally entitled with the name of the collection, this work contains raw canvas edges, leaving space for what’s to come in my future growth and career; containing both cool and warm elements, this work is intended to represent the positives and negatives throughout one’s personal life and artistic journey, however, each element regardless of a stark blue or yellow, comes together to foster an overall calming sense – contributing to the overall emotion of the work; signifies the need for all types of experiences to be able to “grow”.

Click on Virtual Install above to see this artwork in a room, or upload your own photo to see this work of art to scale in your space. (Currently this feature only works with paintings and other flat art and not with sculpture). Scroll down to see all available work from this artist. 

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